Spray Foam: Insulate and Air Seal in One!

attic wall and ceiling spray foam insulation services in tallahasseeAir leaks occur as a natural byproduct of the construction process. Air leaks are exactly what you think: when conditioned air leaks from a home or unconditioned air leaks into a home.

Traditionally it was believed that these natural air leaks were the right way to ventilate a home. Today’s building science proves this isn’t the case. Uncontrolled air leaks by way of a “leaky home” can cause too much or too little air to enter or leave the home. Either way, this can result in poor indoor air quality.

Air sealing is the process of reducing the amount of uncontrolled air that moves in and out of a home. Sealing air leaks can reduce energy costs, help with inconsistent temperatures around a home, keep out bugs and outside allergens, and increase your home’s overall indoor air quality.

Spray foam insulation can insulate and air seal in one step. It is applied as a liquid and expands to fill a cavity. By simply insulating with spray foam, you are air sealing at the same time. If you are looking for a two-in-one product, spray foam insulation is your answer.

Interested in learning more about spray foam and getting an estimate for your next project? Contact us today and learn more.

664 Capital Circle Northeast

Tallahassee, FL 32301
Monday - Friday

8am - 5pm

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